How to locate an address with a QR Code and google maps?

Whenever you have an event or some other sort of location you want to share with people, give them a QR Code pointing to that location. Why? Because with their mobile phone they have the map with them all the time.

See here how this is done:

1. Go to

2. Enter the destination. Make sure the map is displayed as you would like it to appear when somebody scans the QR code.

3. Click on the chain button.

You can either choose a normal URL or the short URL. As we recommend to work with dynamic codes, it does not make a difference. If you work with a static code, take the short URL. Copy the URL of your destination.

4. Go to the QR code generator and enter your URL. Click on Generate Dynamic.

There you go: your QR Code leading to your destination is ready. Scan it to test. It looks great, doesn’t it? A real convenience for your customers to help them find your event. Get one of our plans to see how many use your location QR Code.