What is a multiple URL QR Code? Can I link to the Appstore and Google Play with one QR Code?

Are you confronted with wanting to distribute your app, but do not know which operating systems your customers have? Or you are present in countries with different languages and are having a hassle that they are directed to the correct website in their language?

Then this great feature in the Premium service is for you. Here you can create one QR code but link it to many different URLs. Your prospects’ devices communicating with our codes will know the matching URL. Two typical examples:

  • You have a QR code on a poster proposing to go to your mobile site about a certain promotion. The person scanning it in Canada will be directed to the English mobile site while the prospect scanning it in France will be directed to the French mobile site.
  • You have created an app in both operating systems (iOS and Android) and promote it in a brochure, proposing to the customer to scan the QR code in order to get the App. With this feature, the person scanning your QR code with an iPhone will be directed to the App store; while the person with a Samsung will be directed to the Android Market.